The Story of Online Activism in Indonesia: An Analysis of the Blue Garuda Case


  • Cindy Vebyola Batubara University of Queensland


Online Activism, Garuda Biru, Social Media Mobilization, Slacktivism, Nonviolent Resistance


Online activism is often perceived as ineffective slacktivism, but it can have a significant impact on social change. This research examines the “Garuda Biru” campaign in Indonesia, which utilized social media such as X, Instagram, and TikTok to mobilize support and drive political change. This research aims to explore the role of the Garuda Biru campaign on social media, such as X, Instagram and TikTok, as effective online activism in driving social, political and institutional change in Indonesia. The research method used in this study is a case study. Data collection techniques were conducted through documentation studies by utilizing books, scientific articles, news articles, websites, and other relevant sources. The data analysis technique in this research was done thematically to identify patterns and main issues. The Garuda Biru campaign proved that online activism has evolved into an effective tool of resistance, challenging long-held notions of slacktivism. This research explores the pros and cons of online activism, revealing how social media can trigger political change and demand institutional responses. The study demonstrates the need for a new framework for evaluating online activism, underscoring the importance of maintaining momentum in social movements to achieve sustainable change. The lessons from this campaign confirm the role of media as a significant platform for justice.


Keywords: Online Activism, Garuda Biru, Slacktivism, Nonviolent Resistance.

Author Biography

Cindy Vebyola Batubara, University of Queensland

Program Studies of International Relations/Peace Conflict Studies, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies


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How to Cite

Batubara, C. V. (2024). The Story of Online Activism in Indonesia: An Analysis of the Blue Garuda Case. Journal Elections and Political Parties, 1(2), 45–56. Retrieved from