Political Dynamics in the Determination of Regional Budget Amendments in Samosir Regency, Indonesia
Dynamics, Political, Regional, Budget, Political PartiesAbstract
Samosir Regency amended the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the 2022 fiscal year. This change was made because there was a budget that was considered not on target. This research seeks to see the political dynamics in the P-APBD process in Samosir Regency. The research method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative research method using data collection techniques through interviews and observations. Data analysis techniques through data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that in the process of determining the P-APBD of Samosir Regency, there was a phenomenon where the P-APBD could not be implemented or was not parliamentary because of the lack of communication between the Samosir Regency Regional Government as the executive and the Samosir Regency DPRD as the legislature. This is because several party factions with seats in the Samosir Regency DPRD did not attend the plenary meeting, especially the PDI-P faction, which is the dominant faction and opposition to the government. This was motivated by their disagreement with several programs that were discussed in the P-APBD, namely the honorarium policy of the Regent's Team for the Acceleration of Development and the budget for renting a hotel room designated as the official residence of the Samosir regent, which was considered to be quite costly.
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