Quality of Public Services at the Kupang City Fire Office in Overcoming Fires
Public Service, Fire Fighting, Quality, Responsiveness, GovernmentAbstract
This study explores the quality of public services at the Kupang City Fire Office in addressing fires, examining how well the office meets the expectations and needs of the community. Public service, a core function of government bureaucracy, requires continuous adaptation to remain effective, efficient, competitive, adaptive, and responsive amidst changing societal demands. This research employs a descriptive qualitative methodology, using observations, interviews, and documentation to gather data from both primary and secondary sources. The findings reveal that the Kupang City Fire Office faces significant challenges, including inadequate equipment and facilities, which hinder its ability to respond promptly and effectively to fire emergencies. Additionally, community feedback highlights dissatisfaction with the timeliness and quality of fire services. The study underscores the fire office's need to enhance its operational capabilities and align its services with public expectations. It emphasizes the importance of government accountability in providing satisfactory public services and the role of the fire office in increasing public awareness and preparedness for fire hazards. These findings suggest that improvements in infrastructure, personnel competence, and public engagement are essential for enhancing the quality of fire services in Kupang City.
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