Farmers in The Throat of Agrarian Conflict in Indonesia


  • Suci Rahmadani Universitas Jambi
  • Revi Jeane Putri Universitas Jambi
  • Azira Novia Rizal Universitas Jambi
  • Uswatun Asiah Universitas Jambi
  • Dinda Rosanti Salsa Bela Universitas Jambi


Agrarian Conflict, Farmers, Agrarian Policies, Indonesia, Private Sector


This study aims to analyze various agrarian conflicts that occur between farmers and the private sector and the government. The eruptions of agrarian conflicts, both old and new agrarian conflicts, are increasingly accumulating and continue to emerge to the surface, where more than 1⁄2 (half) million people also became victims of the eruption of agrarian conflict in 2023. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The results of the study show the main factor underlying the agrarian conflict between farmers and the private sector is the unclear legal status of the land, where many farmers manage the land for generations without official documents, so that their legal position becomes weak when dealing with companies that have official permits from the government; land conversion: private companies often want land for commercial or industrial activities (such as plantations or mining), while farmers who depend on the land for a living feel they have lost their vital resources. The next cause is related to unfair agrarian policies, where government policies in land distribution, licensing, and land conversion often do not favor small farmers, who are actually victims in the process of development or large investments.


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How to Cite

Rahmadani, S., Putri, R. J., Rizal, A. N., Asiah, U., & Bela, D. R. S. (2025). Farmers in The Throat of Agrarian Conflict in Indonesia. Wedya Journal of Multidisciplinary, 1(2), 44–51. Retrieved from