Optimizing and Improving Protocol Skills in the School Environment as a Potential Career at Private Senior High School Pesantren Al-Husna
Skills, Protocol, Communication, Pesantren, Community ServiceAbstract
In the era of globalization, work skills are increasingly complex and sophisticated, making high school graduates, including santri in Indonesia, face significant challenges in entering the world of work. This community service activity aims to develop protocol skills for private high school students of Pesantren Al-Husna in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, to prepare them to compete in the world of work. The methods used include material presentation on protocol skills' definition, importance, relevance, and benefits, followed by discussion and question and answer sessions. Results showed high enthusiasm from the students towards the material presented and great interest in the protocol concept and its application in various contexts. In addition, there was also a simplification of the idea and characteristics of the protocol so that the students easily understand it. In conclusion, the community service team from the University of North Sumatra seeks to understand better protocol skills, which is expected to increase students' competitiveness in the job market and open up wider career opportunities.
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