Utilisation of Palm Oil Empty Bunches into Organic Fertiliser to Support Net Zero Emission Policy
Bunches, Oil Palm, Organic Fertilizer, Net Zero Emission, Environment, Community ServiceAbstract
Indonesia is the world's largest palm oil producer, producing large amounts of palm empty fruit bunch waste. This waste often needs to be adequately utilized, causing environmental damage. This research was conducted in Simpang Tiga Village, Langkat Regency, which has a significant area of oil palm plantations. This community service aims to manage the oil palm empty fruit bunch waste into organic fertilizer to support the Net Zero Emission policy and improve the welfare of the local community. The methods used include observation, interviews, and counseling. The results show that processing oil palm empty fruit bunch waste into organic fertilizer can reduce environmental pollution, improve soil and plant quality, and provide economic and social benefits for the community. In addition, using organic fertilizer from oil palm empty fruit bunch waste can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support sustainable agriculture. Sustainable management of oil palm empty fruit bunch waste is expected to be widely adopted to support Indonesia's Net Zero Emission policy.
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