Optimizing the Role of Pancasila Education in Building National Character at SMK Negeri 8 Medan
Optimization, Education, Pancasila, Character, Nation, StudentsAbstract
Pancasila as the basis of the state plays an important role in building the character of Indonesian society. Therefore, Pancasila must be understood and instilled in the nation through the values contained in each point of Pancasila. The objectives of this activity include: First, explain the importance of Pancasila in the school environment. Second, provide an understanding of the norms of Pancasila. Third, provide awareness to maintain the values of Pancasila in life, especially in the school environment. The method of socialization through lectures and discussions to increase interaction between speakers and participants to better understand the importance of applying Pancasila in the surrounding environment. The results of the socialization activities showed an enthusiastic attitude because of the importance of awareness to maintain and apply the values and norms of Pancasila in the surrounding environment, especially in the school environment.
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