Journal Elections and Political Parties

Journal Elections and Political Parties was published online by Literasi Publisher in 2024. The first issue of this journal begins in February 2024 and will be published in two editions every year. Journal Elections and Political Parties provide a global forum for scientific articles on electoral systems, electoral stages, voter behavior, election organizing agencies, election governance management, election technology, electoral justice systems, political representation, and political party studies covering policy programs, ideologies, election techniques and campaigns, and their functions in various countries.

Articles published in this journal feature strengthening theoretical, methodological, and wealth social network analysis contemporary. By publishing empirical articles and editorials, we encourage writers and readers to engage critically with current primary debates. Journal Elections and Political Parties is dedicated to academics and practitioners who use concepts and methods from political science to generate new understandings of innovative and creative academics related to Elections and Political Parties.

Journal title Journal Elections and Political Parties
Abbrevation JEPP
Initial JEPP
Frequency 2 (two) issues per year
ISSN (Online) 3032-1980
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)  
Editor-in-Chief  Faiz Albar Nasution, S.I.P., M.Sos
Managing Editor  Imam Fahreza, S.Sos
Publisher Literasi Publisher
Citation Analysis Google Scholar


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Journal Election and Political Parties
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